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Downloads: iPhone 5 template (Photoshop for 3D cases)

iPhone 5 template (Photoshop for 3D cases)

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Uploaded by ArtyGamer - 10-07-2014
Author Author ArtyGamer
File Size File Size 449.9 KB
Downloads Downloads 51
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These should be self explanatory, but if you have any questions then please ask. There's a 'print correction' group which is there for people who would prefer that the final case looked similar to their on-screen representation. The "Off" layer shows how the Ricoh/Sawgrass combination tends to display the final image on the case and the 'On' layer is an adjustment layer to bring it back up to how it really should look. So put BOTH on to preview how it will probably end up looking, but ONLY have the 'ON' layer enabled when printing otherwise it won't have the desired effect. This assumes that you haven't got a custom profile set up and don't use mechanical calibration.




Joe Balanda
16-01-2016 at 01:09 PM
Thank you very much for these ArtyGamer, Much appreciated!