Welcome to the DSF - The Dye Sublimation Forum.
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News & Updates will be posted here.
This is the place to talk about Heat Presses
Specifically for mug presses
Discuss all things Printer related
Having Problems? Come on in!
Can't find the right section? Discuss it in here!
3D Sublimation
Vinyl, wraps etc.
Discuss anything to do with Screen Printing.
Discuss other print methods.
A place to discuss......Embroidery!
Cut or printed this is the place to discuss it!
Sublimation, inkjet, papers etc.
Sell it, swap it, buy it....give it away!
Offer your services/products to other members here or post your requests
Templates, Frames, Backdrops etc.
Area to discuss all forms of website,design, commerce etc.
New products on the market, new technology etc.
Help in finding new products.
Share your marketing ideas or just show off your latest advertising campaign!
Discuss recent vists & upcoming shows.
Share your hints and tips with other members
Review new equipment, blanks etc.
Please discuss copyright/legal matters in here and not within other forums
A place to discuss anything off topic
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Most users ever online was 13,232, 10-05-2024 at 09:48 AM.