Hi all, i hope someone can give me a heads up as to what i could possibly be doing wrong OR if what i'm seeing is normal.. Ok I'm using black All American Plastisol ink and currently experimenting with using vinyl as the stencil. It works well as long as the design isn't too complicated and have printed a dozen or so tshirts with great success.
My issue is when i'm finished I scrape off any excess ink then wipe the screen with paper towel. Then i remove the vinyl which leaves a square on the screen, i use strong solvent screen cleaner from art2Silkscreen which removes most of the ink but leaves a residue which just seems to spread around the screen mesh when trying to get the last bit off. Will this cause me trouble? is there anything else i need to do or use? or is this normal? thanks for any info, its been a very long time and things have changed a little bit since i was last printing and its frustrating me.
Hope to have my exposure unit built in the next week or so, i'm on a tight budget as i've been made redundant hence making the exposure unit, so trying to get this up and running to possibly make a few pounds to pay the bills.