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  1. #1
    Administrator Justin's Avatar
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    Horizon Rollback - Disgusted from Derbyshire

    Well if I can't have a rant on my own forum!

    I'm always the first to recommend tried and tested software and promote companies that deserve it.

    Rollback Restore RX Pro has always ben one of these packages. I've used it for many....many years but not any longer. I have several licences on diferent PC's. Sure, my version is 10+years old (that shows how long I've used it) but it functions really well. Over the years I've contacted support to reset a licences when I've reinstalled and support has always been excellent.

    Yesterday my Sons PC threw a wobbly, corrupted startup files, the usual BSOD Windows messages. Very long story short, trying to repair the startup files Windows decided with the help Rollback to restore the PC back to the baseline install from 6 months ago, wiping every file off there...including the Rollback software! So, I can't roll back to another snapshot!

    Speaking to Horizon Support today I was informed, oh you shouldn't be using such an old version as that version has huge issues with Win10 updates.....OK, now I can see where my issues were coming from. So, the software that's designed to protect me from such Windows updates has turned on me big style. As if this wasn't enough the Support agent started to be very sarcastic with me before turning blatently rude. I asked if I could get a small discount to update all of my licences as they wanted over £200 just for 3.....this has shot up over the years. I was asked what my budget was so replied with what's your best price? More rudeness until I'd had enough. I asked for the name of the Director/Owner of the company and was told to email Sales Dept. and it would be pased on....again I asked for the will be passed on, just being bloody pedantic now.

    So after many years (did I say many many?) of supporting this company, promoting them, recommending them I'm now removing the software from all PC's to avoid this happening anywhere else and will be contacting the Director...whomever that may be!

    All the support agent needed to do was say, you've been with us a while now so here's a little loyalty discount but clearly loyalty counts for nothing. They often have sales around US holidays so he said just buy it then....I don't think so!

    I'm back to thr drawing board now looking for a solution. It was and still is an unmatched piece of software in my opinion but I won't support companies with this attitude even if I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face.

    Anyone use an alternative? Obviosuly there are a million and one backup programmes but the Restore facility was always very handy,

    Rant over....for now at least ;-)
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  2. #2
    Administrator Justin's Avatar
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    I have my own NAS in the office with plenty of space and also use BackBlaze so can create an automated backup plan.

    I know Windows has a similar feature built in but have never had much success with it and read that it's incredibly data greedy.
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  3. #3
    Premium Member Tetris Champion, Space Invaders Champion, Asteroids Champion
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    I can not answer for that particular software, but it really gets my goat when a piece of software that has worked perfectly for several years all of a sudden packs up. Whether that is because of a Windows upgrade or something else I really do not care, just very frustrating when it happens.
    USING: Whatever it takes to get the job done...

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