Good afternoon,
I am hoping by posting this we can get to the root cause of the problem i am currently having.
Its to do with MDP hotflex vinyl not sticking to the cotton t shirts.
I have looked through various old threads and posts today to try and find anything out of the ordinary i am doing.
I have been asked to print some stag do t shirts for someone at work by the end of next week.
I have bought pink 100% cotton vauleweight t-shirts from MDP, bought this week.
I am using hot flex vinyl from MDP, bought this week.
Heat press is an ink experts 50x40cm flat bed clam press.
Place the t shirts onto the lower platen (not threaded as most medium and large t shirts don't particularly stretch over it)
No seems or anything in the press area.
Pre press the t shirt for a few seconds to take out moisture, front and back.
Press the vinyl onto the t shirt with a thin Teflon sheet on the top, for 160 degrees, 15 secs, hot peel.
Remove film and re press again for a further 5 seconds with a Teflon sheet on the top.
Turn the t shirt over and do the same with the text on the other side.
Hang up on a hanger and the next day put them in a carrier bag to take to work.
I have given the t shirts to my friend to try on, and the letters on this particular one basically fell off in front of me.
Totally embarrassed (and slightly stressed) I said I would re do them all.
Theres a couple where the edges of the letters are not fully stuck.
Although last night they looked completely fine.
Can you see if there's anything wrong with the procedure?..
Should I stretch the t shirt straight after the pressing??
Is it the pressure, being too light?
When removing the film, on this particular t shirt i do remember i had to do it a couple of times as a couple of the letters were peeling with it.
So i re pressed, adding a 1/3 or 1/4 turn to the pressure setting.
But it looked fine before taking into work this morning.
Any advice would be appreciated.
image 2 set up of press-shirt-sheet etc.jpgimage 1 of letters.jpg